Cex.main default


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Have a look at the following examples… Example 1: Increase Font Size of Labels. We can increase the labels of our plot axes with the cex.lab argument: cex_main: A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting title should be magnified relative to the default. cex_main_left: see cex_main. cex_main_right: see cex_main. cex_sub: see cex_main. highlight_distinct_edges: logical (default is TRUE). If to highlight distinct edges in each tree (by changing their line types to 2).

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Rendering operation: Defaults cex.main: Expansion factor for the fontsize used for the title. Defaults to. 1.2. The default value is 1. Default plot characteristics are not satisfactory most of the time. The font size can be changed by cex.main and cex.lab argument.

cex.main, cex.sub, main, sub, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, graphics parameters; see par for more information. The default value of cex.main is cex.main=1.4 * par("cex") .

Cex.main default

conflev. Numeric value of the confidence level used for confidence limits. The default is 95.

Cex.main default

8 Mar 2012 sub – Specify the size of the subtitle label with a numeric value of length 1. Example. Five plots are generated, one with the default settings and 

Cex.main default

8 Mar 2012 sub – Specify the size of the subtitle label with a numeric value of length 1. Example. Five plots are generated, one with the default settings and  opar <- par() # make a copy of current settings 1=default, 1.5 is 50% larger, 0.5 is 50% smaller, etc.

verbose: logical. Should R report extra information on progress? graphics parameters to be passed to the plotting routines. The default uses about a square layout (see n2mfrow such that all plots are on one page. set.lags: positive integer vector allowing to specify the set of lags used; defaults to 1:lags.

The magnification to be used for y axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex. cex.lab. 27 Mar 2017 The main difference between mosaic and association plots is that the size (by default, 12pt), and thereafter, character sizes of elements are defined Hence, character sizes are defined via character expansion (cex) The call to plot.new chooses a default rectangular plotting region for the plot the function par before calling plot.new. font.main, col.main, cex.main. The font   The par function can be used for querying the margin sizes. The margin sizes in Controlling Font Size.

cex.lab: magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex. customPar: logical defaults to FALSE. By default, the density function uses the rule of thumb approach Using the plug-in methodology created by Sheather and Jones (1991). Using the cross-validation approach. The following code shows how to implement each method: ltw- width of line (default is 1 and 2 is twice the width of default) 7. Fonts. font- integer specifying font to use for text (1 = plain, 2 = bold, 3 = italic, 4 = bold italic, 5 = symbol font.axis- font for axis font.lab- font for x and y labels font.main- font for titles font.sub- font for subtititles srt – string/text rotation in degrees e I will try to answer your question based on the information you gave.

Horizontal line: abline(h=3.14) Vertical line: abline(v=13) Arbitrary line: abline(a=53.1,b=2.2) par sets or adjusts plotting parameters. Here we consider the adjustment of sizes for four text values: axis tick labels (cex.axis), x-y axis labels (cex.lab), main title (cex.main), and subtitle (cex.sub). number indicating the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be scaled relative to the default. 1=default, 1.5 is 50% larger, 0.5 is 50% smaller, etc. cex.axis: magnification of axis annotation relative to cex : cex.lab: magnification of x and y labels relative to cex : cex.main: magnification of titles relative to cex : cex.sub Character string consisting of the value "Continuous" or "Ordinal" that controls the type of CDF plot for each indicator. The default is "Continuous".

To see all the names, type colors(). mar, oma, mgp, xpd, cex.main: graphics parameters as in par(*), by default adjusted to use smaller than default margins for multivariate x only. verbose: logical. Should R report extra information on progress? graphics parameters to be passed to the plotting routines.

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The default uses about a square layout (see n2mfrow such that all plots are on one page. set.lags: positive integer vector allowing to specify the set of lags used; defaults to 1:lags. main: character with a main header title to be done on the top of each page. asp: Aspect ratio to be fixed, see plot.default. font.main, cex.main

Additional arguments passed to the plot function. cex.main The magnification to be used for main titles relative to the current setting of cex. cex.sub The magnification to be used for sub-titles relative to the current setting of cex. cin R.O.; character size (width, height) in inches.